Chinese Discrimination at UCLA


Asian hate crimes in America has had a long history dating back to the first immigrants who came here, but has not been talked about as much as it is currently.The dramatic rise in Asian hate crimes has certainly to due with the COVID-19 pandemic as well as racial targeting by attackers. Poor word choices such as calling the COVID-19 the Kung Flu and Chinese Virus perpuate this idea of using Asian and specifically Chinese people, as the reason why the pandemic started. The attacks of verbal and physical violence has spread across America, including here at UCLA. If a Chinese student were to experience that here at UCLA, they would have to report to UCPD or some other official agency that is drawn out, might require them to identify themselves, and at worst, might not even recognize their incident as a discriminatory hate crime. This incident can feel isolating and overall powerless, so our website aims to change that. We want our users to feel connected with the community on here and feel empowered to share their stories with others.

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